One on one coachings for intermediate to advanced singers. These sessions will help you prepare for upcoming auditions or recitals or to further your knowledge and practice. The main focus will be on transmitting your intention through the meaning of the song.

What makes singing unique to making music with other instruments is the use of text. We will use exercises and explore the meaning, as well as any hidden meaning, behind the text of the piece you are working on, regardless of the language. Beyond the focus on text will be to elevate your performance of the song by working with the accompaniment. Not only will it be to get accustomed to the different accompaniments of the songs, but to hear and understand any text painting they may be used to help illustrate the story or text.

At your request, we can also focus a bit on vocal technique and applying your technique to your repertoire. In the attempt to transmit emotion, some singers fall into old bad habits without realizing. Through the use of various exercises, we will work on tying your good technique to the text and meaning, and in turn to the overall music.

Here at Lott Music Studio, we want you to enjoy your lessons with us! We aim to have a welcoming and open atmosphere to include you and your needs in your lessons. We will work with you to achieve your goals, to motivate you to learn something new, to help you understand what we are working on, and to give you the confidence to make music freely. Your lesson will be tailored to you!

Lott Music Studio Coachings

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Your coaching be tailored to your needs!


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